

All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
getProfitAndLossCharges GET /trade/profit-loss/charges Get profit and loss on trades
getTradeWiseProfitAndLossData GET /trade/profit-loss/data Get Trade-wise Profit and Loss Report Data
getTradeWiseProfitAndLossMetaData GET /trade/profit-loss/metadata Get profit and loss meta data on trades


GetProfitAndLossChargesResponse getProfitAndLossCharges(segment, financialYear, apiVersion, fromDate, toDate)

Get profit and loss on trades

This API gives the charges incurred by users for their trades


// Import classes:
//import com.upstox.ApiClient;
//import com.upstox.ApiException;
//import com.upstox.Configuration;
//import com.upstox.auth.*;
//import io.swagger.client.api.TradeProfitAndLossApi;

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAUTH2
OAuth OAUTH2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAUTH2");

TradeProfitAndLossApi apiInstance = new TradeProfitAndLossApi();
String segment = "segment_example"; // String | Segment for which data is requested can be from the following options EQ - Equity,   FO - Futures and Options,   COM  - Commodity,   CD - Currency Derivatives
String financialYear = "financialYear_example"; // String | Financial year for which data has been requested. Concatenation of last 2 digits of from year and to year Sample:for 2021-2022, financial_year will be 2122
String apiVersion = "apiVersion_example"; // String | API Version Header
String fromDate = "fromDate_example"; // String | Date from which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format
String toDate = "toDate_example"; // String | Date till which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format
try {
    GetProfitAndLossChargesResponse result = apiInstance.getProfitAndLossCharges(segment, financialYear, apiVersion, fromDate, toDate);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling TradeProfitAndLossApi#getProfitAndLossCharges");


Name Type Description Notes
segment String Segment for which data is requested can be from the following options EQ - Equity, FO - Futures and Options, COM - Commodity, CD - Currency Derivatives  
financialYear String Financial year for which data has been requested. Concatenation of last 2 digits of from year and to year Sample:for 2021-2022, financial_year will be 2122  
apiVersion String API Version Header  
fromDate String Date from which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format [optional]
toDate String Date till which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers


GetTradeWiseProfitAndLossDataResponse getTradeWiseProfitAndLossData(segment, financialYear, pageNumber, pageSize, apiVersion, fromDate, toDate)

Get Trade-wise Profit and Loss Report Data

This API gives the data of the realised Profit and Loss report requested by a user


// Import classes:
//import com.upstox.ApiClient;
//import com.upstox.ApiException;
//import com.upstox.Configuration;
//import com.upstox.auth.*;
//import io.swagger.client.api.TradeProfitAndLossApi;

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAUTH2
OAuth OAUTH2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAUTH2");

TradeProfitAndLossApi apiInstance = new TradeProfitAndLossApi();
String segment = "segment_example"; // String | Segment for which data is requested can be from the following options EQ - Equity,   FO - Futures and Options,   COM  - Commodity,   CD - Currency Derivatives
String financialYear = "financialYear_example"; // String | Financial year for which data has been requested. Concatenation of last 2 digits of from year and to year Sample:for 2021-2022, financial_year will be 2122
Integer pageNumber = 56; // Integer | Page Number, the pages are starting from 1
Integer pageSize = 56; // Integer | Page size for pagination. The maximum page size value is obtained from P and L report metadata API.
String apiVersion = "apiVersion_example"; // String | API Version Header
String fromDate = "fromDate_example"; // String | Date from which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format
String toDate = "toDate_example"; // String | Date till which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format
try {
    GetTradeWiseProfitAndLossDataResponse result = apiInstance.getTradeWiseProfitAndLossData(segment, financialYear, pageNumber, pageSize, apiVersion, fromDate, toDate);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling TradeProfitAndLossApi#getTradeWiseProfitAndLossData");


Name Type Description Notes
segment String Segment for which data is requested can be from the following options EQ - Equity, FO - Futures and Options, COM - Commodity, CD - Currency Derivatives  
financialYear String Financial year for which data has been requested. Concatenation of last 2 digits of from year and to year Sample:for 2021-2022, financial_year will be 2122  
pageNumber Integer Page Number, the pages are starting from 1  
pageSize Integer Page size for pagination. The maximum page size value is obtained from P and L report metadata API.  
apiVersion String API Version Header  
fromDate String Date from which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format [optional]
toDate String Date till which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers


GetTradeWiseProfitAndLossMetaDataResponse getTradeWiseProfitAndLossMetaData(segment, financialYear, apiVersion, fromDate, toDate)

Get profit and loss meta data on trades

This API gives the data of the realised Profit and Loss report requested by a user


// Import classes:
//import com.upstox.ApiClient;
//import com.upstox.ApiException;
//import com.upstox.Configuration;
//import com.upstox.auth.*;
//import io.swagger.client.api.TradeProfitAndLossApi;

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAUTH2
OAuth OAUTH2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAUTH2");

TradeProfitAndLossApi apiInstance = new TradeProfitAndLossApi();
String segment = "segment_example"; // String | Segment for which data is requested can be from the following options EQ - Equity,   FO - Futures and Options,   COM  - Commodity,   CD - Currency Derivatives
String financialYear = "financialYear_example"; // String | Financial year for which data has been requested. Concatenation of last 2 digits of from year and to year Sample:for 2021-2022, financial_year will be 2122
String apiVersion = "apiVersion_example"; // String | API Version Header
String fromDate = "fromDate_example"; // String | Date from which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format
String toDate = "toDate_example"; // String | Date till which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format
try {
    GetTradeWiseProfitAndLossMetaDataResponse result = apiInstance.getTradeWiseProfitAndLossMetaData(segment, financialYear, apiVersion, fromDate, toDate);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling TradeProfitAndLossApi#getTradeWiseProfitAndLossMetaData");


Name Type Description Notes
segment String Segment for which data is requested can be from the following options EQ - Equity, FO - Futures and Options, COM - Commodity, CD - Currency Derivatives  
financialYear String Financial year for which data has been requested. Concatenation of last 2 digits of from year and to year Sample:for 2021-2022, financial_year will be 2122  
apiVersion String API Version Header  
fromDate String Date from which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format [optional]
toDate String Date till which data needs to be fetched. from_date and to_date should fall under the same financial year as mentioned in financial_year attribute. Date in dd-mm-yyyy format [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers