


Name | Type | Description | Notes ———— | ————- | ————- | ————- exchange | ExchangeEnum | Exchange to which the order is associated | [optional] product | ProductEnum | Shows if the order was either Intraday, Delivery, CO or OCO | [optional] tradingsymbol | String | Shows the trading symbol which could be a combination of symbol name, instrument, expiry date etc | [optional] instrumentToken | String | Identifier issued by Upstox used for subscribing to live market quotes | [optional] orderType | OrderTypeEnum | Type of order. It can be one of the following MARKET refers to market order<br>LIMIT refers to Limit Order<br>SL refers to Stop Loss Limit<br>SL-M refers to Stop loss market | [optional] transactionType | TransactionTypeEnum | Indicates whether the order was a buy or sell order | [optional] quantity | Integer | The total quantity traded from this particular order | [optional] exchangeOrderId | String | Unique order ID assigned by the exchange for the order placed | [optional] orderId | String | Unique order ID assigned internally for the order placed | [optional] exchangeTimestamp | String | User readable time at when the trade occurred | [optional] averagePrice | Float | Price at which the traded quantity is traded | [optional] tradeId | String | Trade ID generated from exchange towards traded transaction | [optional] orderRefId | String | The order reference ID for which the order must be modified | [optional] orderTimestamp | String | User readable timestamp at which the order was placed | [optional]

Enum: ExchangeEnum

Name | Value —- | —– NSE | "NSE" NFO | "NFO" CDS | "CDS" BSE | "BSE" BCD | "BCD" BFO | "BFO" MCX | "MCX"

Enum: ProductEnum

Name | Value —- | —– I | "I" D | "D" CO | "CO" OCO | "OCO" MTF | "MTF"

Enum: OrderTypeEnum

Name | Value —- | —– MARKET | "MARKET" LIMIT | "LIMIT" SL | "SL" SL_M | "SL-M"

Enum: TransactionTypeEnum

Name | Value —- | —– BUY | "BUY" SELL | "SELL"