


Name | Type | Description | Notes ———— | ————- | ————- | ————- instrumentToken | String | Key of the instrument | newProduct | NewProductEnum | Indicates the new product to use for the convert positions | oldProduct | OldProductEnum | Indicates the old product to use for the convert positions | transactionType | TransactionTypeEnum | Indicates whether its a buy(b) or sell(s) order | quantity | Integer | Quantity with which the position to convert |

Enum: NewProductEnum

Name | Value —- | —– I | "I" D | "D" CO | "CO" OCO | "OCO" MTF | "MTF"

Enum: OldProductEnum

Name | Value —- | —– I | "I" D | "D" CO | "CO" OCO | "OCO" MTF | "MTF"

Enum: TransactionTypeEnum

Name | Value —- | —– BUY | "BUY" SELL | "SELL"